7 Best Shopping Bots in 2023: Revolutionizing the E-commerce Landscape

How to Use Retail Bots for Sales and Customer Service Retail bots, with their advanced algorithms and user-centric designs, are here to change that narrative. The reasons can range from a complicated checkout process, unexpected shipping costs, to concerns about...

The Complete Guide to Chatbots for Marketing

Bot Marketing: An Introduction Guide for Businesses Every unique interaction between a customer and a company is essential to the overall customer experience. Introducing conversational AI as the initial touch-point with customers enables rapid responses to questions...


El Consejo de Administración de TECNOLASER INSTITUTO ANDALUZ DE BIOTECNOLOGÍA, S.A., en su reunión de fecha 4 de mayo de 2023, acordó convocar a los Sres. Socios a la celebración de Junta General Ordinaria de la compañía, para lo cualse señala en primera convocatoria...